Sunday, September 27, 2009

Eddie Bobe - Vids

I got an email from Eddie Bobe this morning, letting me know how his recording project was coming. It looks like we are in for a little bit of a wait, but hopefully it won't take too much longer. In the meantime I wanted to share some video clips of Eddie that he was nice enough to highlight. Check them out. All videos courtesy of Eddie Bobe.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anya Ade Dossier

Añade, which means the Crown of Aña was born in Havana, Cuba in September 2003 from Aña Bi Olorun, the Aña of Oluo Fran Marquetti. Aña bi Olorun was born from the Aña of the late Jesus Perez. Jesus Perez, Oba Ilu, and Pablo Roche, Akilakpa were the most influential olubatas of the 20th century. Since its New York debut at the start of 2004 Añade has presided over many Orisha ceremonies in the greater New York area wherein many omolorishas were presented to Aña.

Añade was received by Felix Sanabria, Awo Orunmila Ifamola omo odun Oshebile, Olo Obatala Igbinlaye who for over thirty years has been performing Orisha music with many of the most prominent drummers of our time. Most notably – the late great Orlando “Puntilla” Rios, Oni Shango Obatilemi who was a leading exponent of Aña, Orisha and Afro -Cuban music in the United States for close to thirty years.

The omo alañas of Añade include some of the youngest and brightest members of our Orisha community and they are dedicated to sustaining our traditions for future generations. These young men and women are part of the Añade family and have committed themselves to the ongoing study of Orisha liturgical music, respectful performance of religious songs and ritual and sharing the gifts and blessings of Aña with our community.

Click here for more....